De petits génies ayant délibéré dans Wikipédia, sur le cas du bon docteur Louis Mélennec, dans des conditions hilaresques – voir notre blog « actualités et politiques » -, après maints frelatements de sa biographie, ont décidé de la supprimer. Supprimant la biographie, on croyait avoir supprimé l’homme.
Las ! Deux jours plus tard, elle reparaît dans plusieurs sites bretons, français et étrangers, en français et en anglais, mais cette fois totalement expurgée des inexactitudes, des fautes d’orthographe, de syntaxe, de style, et, bien sûr, de toute hypocrisie. Pour le coup, voila nos censeurs contraints de lire les articles de Louis Mélennec. Car ils avaient commis l’imprudence d’établir sa « biographie » non seulement sans avoir lu aucune ligne de lui, mais sans rien connaître de sa personne. Il faut l’inventer ! Ces « sçavants » l’ont fait.
Ne sait-on pas que Wikipédia est l’encyclopédie des encyclopédies ?
Merci à tous ceux qui veulent faire connaître les horreurs commises en Bretagne par l’Etat colonisateur de diffuser le Livre Bleu, et la présente biographie, plus concise et plus claire.
La Bretagne est sous régime esclavagiste, depuis cinq siècles. Mais surtout depuis 1789, année des droits de l’homme « made in France » – c’est à dire totalement frelatés -, la fameuse année où « La France a apporté la liberté au monde », et supprimé d’un coup les Institutions bretonnes, sa législation, sa fiscalité, humilié nos parlementaires, et commencé à persécuter notre langue, notre culture, tandis que toute initiative, toute décision ou action utiles dans la gestion de nos affaires nous étaient interdites. Un Etat totalement incompétent et corrompu, depuis lors, commande nos destins. L’histoire le démontre : dans cette sorte de régime, ce sont les nationaux esclavagisés qui sont les pires. Dans les camps de concentration, les nazis recrutaient des juifs pour frapper les juifs, des polonais pour frapper les polonais. Dans la France des droits de l’homme, les médias bretons sont « subventionnés » pour mentir, et mentent effrontément; les députés et les sénateurs perçoivent de grosses pensions pour se taire, et se taisent effrontément ..
Et les « sçavants » de Wikipédia ? Vous êtes maintenant au courant : eux sont les ignares de service. Ils n’ont rien lu, ils ne savent RIEN : n’ayant aucune culture, on peut donc les manipuler, en faire des garde-chiourmes absolus. Ils jouent ce rôle dans l’ignorance totale de ce qu’ils font : quelle merveille pour le pays qui a inventé les droits de l’homme !!!
Triste à mourir : les recherches historiques sur l’histoire de Bretagne ont été faites, non dans l’intérêt de l’auteur – qui en a chèrement payé le prix, le sachant, d’ailleurs, longtemps à l’avance -, mais pour rendre aux Bretons, y compris ceux qui manipulent si bêtement Wikipédia, humiliés et détruits par l’Etat colonial, leur Dignité et leur Honneur. Leur malhonnêteté dans cette affaire est lamentable. Savent-ils ce que signifie la Dignité pour ce peuple martyr ? Savent-ils ce qu’est l’Honneur ? Qu’ils aillent consulter Jean-Yves Le Drian et Marilyse Lebranchu, ces deux « espécialistes » de l’honneur breton : ils tomberont de haut !
Biography of Docteur Louis MÉLENNEC
Louis Mélennec was born in Guilvinec, on March 18th 1941. Mélennec is his patronymic and Louis de Beyre his name of singer as a concert performer.
After his schooling in Pont-l’Abbé, he joined in 1959 the Faculty of Medicine of Nantes, where he was first of the class throughout all his studies. He followed at the same time the courses at the faculty of law. He succeeded in the doctorate of medicine and the law degree on the same day. The Faculty of Medicine awarded him for his thesis, supported in January 1967, the « very honourable distinction », with congratulations of the jury.
He studied then in Paris. From 1967 till 1969, he obtained the specialist qualification of forensic medicine, the specialist qualification of working medicine, the diploma of repair of the physical injury, the diplomas of higher education of private law, public law (supervised by international lecturer in law, N’ Guyen Quoc Dinh), as well as of criminal sciences.
From 1968, he taught at the faculty of law of Orléans and the Faculty of Medicine of Paris the forensic medicine, the occupational medicine, the civil law, the medical expertise, the social affairs law …
In 1971, he managed, with the Dean Hornero, at the Faculty of Medicine Lariboisière-Saint Louis in Paris a special education, intended to train the expert doctors near the courts in the law of the expertise, the then embryonic discipline, for which he made his contribution, by his regular publications in the « Gazette du Palais » newspaper , and several legal and medical magazines. These accumulated magazines touched a wide public of magistrates, lawyers, doctors.
At the same time, from 1969, he pursued a career of expert doctor near the courts, and with the main doctor of several big groups of insurances.
He published works of law and medicine. He is the author of several legal and forensic theories, which are quickly applied by the courts and the expert doctors (in 1978, at the international Congress of Djerba, he explained a theory of the handicap, which revolutionized the valuation methods of the infirmities, and was very quickly applied by everybody medical expert, and the jurisdictions asked to estimate and to indemnify the damages.
He is one of the medical law pionneers . As such, he managed a Treaty of medical law, in eight volumes, which he co-drafted with a jurists team (whom the dean Véron, the professor Mémeteau, the president Jean Sicard: see these names, and the works published by Google).
The international scale of evaluation of the handicap, published in 1983 by Masson editor , is completely based on his theories ; the scientific committee which participates in it contains one hundred professors of Faculties of Medicine, and hospitable department heads, among whom several members of the academy of medicine and the academy of surgery (see the front pages of this work).
From 1978 till 1984, he was a member of the Court of the dispute of the incapacity (ex CRI) , then hospital departments, among which several members of the academy of medicine and the academy of surgery (see the front pages of this work).
From 1978 till 1984, he was a member of the Court of the dispute of the incapacity (ex C.R.I ), then appointed by successive orders of Minister of Social Affairs, of the Court of the incapacity (ex CNT).
From 1984 till 1992, he was the first reporter of the CNT.
He was consulted by the French or foreign ministries, as well as by the CNPF, for important reforms (in labour law, mainly).
From 1992 till 1998, he was Consultant near the Ombudsman, Jacques Pelletier. He was candidate in his succession in 1998.
He supported his doctoral thesis in law, in Nantes, in 1996, on the report handed to public authorities, the previous year, on the reform of the law of the handicap. He advocated a social revolution: the total abolition of all the compensation systems of the handicap, and their replacement by a only regime , the same for all. The Ombudsman was present, as member of the jury (see the directory of the » médiature » and the report of the jury of thesis).
The president, professor Jean-Philippe Hesse, of the university of Nantes, gave up with elegance the chair to professor André Tunc, world celebrity of the law of the responsibility, the reformer known for the civil liability, come from Paris. Madam Vice-chancellor Yvonne Lambert-Faivre, of the faculty of Lyon was also present . Professor Tunc, drafted the foreword of the thesis, published by Desclée de Brouwer when it was published by Desclée de Brouwer in 1997 (see below).
In 1995 and in 1996, he collaborated regularly with Prime Minister Alain Juppé and with Jacques Barrot (Minister of Social Affairs), so that were replaced the uncountable compensation systems of the handicap which were currently in France, by one only , egalitarian, the same for all. His interlocutor at Alain Juppé’s cabinet was Frédéric Salat-Baroux, future General Secretary of Jacques Chirac, and son-in-law of this one since 2011, which supports strongly this project. Number of his theses passed little by little in texts. He asserts that all the French regimes of compensation of the handicap are, in France, not only unconstitutional, but opposite in the general principles of the law, which forbid the discriminatory dealings , and which impose, all being equal in front of the law, that two identical handicaps must be legally dealt with (that is indemnified) in a equal and identical way. What implies, considering the constitutional reform of 2010, that every French handicapped person is from now on authorized, on the occasion of a judicial authority, to raise the unconstitutionality of the regime which we apply him , this one being inevitably discriminatory.
(Louis Mélennec was a member of the UDF since 1994 . He is at present a member of the MODEM. He was expert near the Court of Appeal of Paris from 1990 till 2011 up to and including.)